星期四, 11月 05, 2009
星期四, 4月 17, 2008
A House or Home?
Anyway, I've always meant to add the below lovely poem from an Ikea ad about what it really means to have a place of your own, a timely reminder about what's really important in all the talk about the housing market doom and gloom these days...
Do you live in a house or a home?Are you in it for the money or the love?Do you think you'll be happy when you move?Or are you happy now?
Does it give you financial security or emotional warmth?Does it make you feel like you're getting somewhere?Or does it make you feel like you're there now?
If it could talk, could it tell anyonewhat your favourite colour is?
When your little boy draws a plane on the wall, do you reach for the paint rolleror grab another crayon and draw a rocket?
Is it perfect?Or is it real, and still perfect?
Do you keep it as empty as possible to create space,or do you fill it withall the people and things you enjoy the most?
Do you look in estate agent's windows?Or do you look in your own window and think 'how lovely'?Are you constantly monitoring its price?Or are you measuring its occupants' heights on the back of the bathroom door?
What's the most important thing you put into it,two-fifths of your salary,or your life and soul?
What's the most important thing you'll get out?A profit?Or a treasure trove of memories that'll never, ever go down in value but always up.
It's not too late.
A house can always become a home.Love, not money.That's what gives a home a soul.
And a home's soul is NOT FOR SALE.
Btw, I also heartily agree with Ikea's motto: "Home is the most important place in the world."
星期一, 2月 11, 2008
背起行囊 說再見
前些日子冷的不像話 只有1-2度 走在倫敦街頭 不禁令人直打哆嗦 要享受歐風浪漫氣息 就得忍受寒冷氣候 聽說台灣這幾天過年也是很冷 希望我二月底回去的時候 可以給我一個久違的溫暖台灣陽光 開始習慣英國的生活了 卻是離別的時刻 天下沒有不散的筵席 很多人一直留我下來 以為我只是回家度假 幾個星期後就會再回來英國 她們問我回去了不回來了 不會難過嗎?
不會難過嗎? 我問我自己? 當然是會難過的 只要是人都會有感情的 特別是我這個感情發達的傢伙 說不難過不想念是騙人的 在台灣的時候想來國外 在國外的時候想念台灣 現在可以回去了 但是我卻肯定飛機抵達台灣機場的那一刻 我的心一定是想念英國的 畢竟在這裡也待了整整一年半 (除了造訪了一趟法國瑞士及兩次非洲) 我盡量不去把離別看的很嚴重 一方面因為世界很小 十幾個小時的飛機 一下就可以再回來了 一方面是因為我怕我那脆弱幼小的心靈 承受不了依依不捨 這沉重令人無法喘息的感覺 感情真的是有重量的 在我離開的時候 才真的體會的到 百年老舊的地鐵 熙熙攘攘的唐人街 浪漫的泰吾士河 伴隨著莊嚴的大教堂 一起在劍橋唸書的同窗 一起聚會的同靈 一切的一切都像裝在蛋糕盒裡的起司奶油蛋糕與甜甜圈(crispy cream yummy) 一口一口的享受的回憶 朋友問我幾號飛機 我刻意低調保密 想來個不告而別 因為說好會再回來 說好不哭的…
星期一, 12月 24, 2007